itu kamu lihat dibawah kamu masukkan nick kamu dan enter code yang
diminta setelah itu akan muncul semacam keterangan di nik kamu siapa
saja admin yang sedang online. setelah kamu memasukkan di nick kamu akan ada kiriman seperti di bawah ini selamat mencoba NB : untuk admin finder handphone yang bisa ol dua aplikasi 1 untuk mig 1 untuk buka web ku ini TERIMA KASIH...... 1. What is security code?Security code is the 5 numbers generated automatic. You need just re-write it in field where ask the security code.2. Invalid security code?A.
If you put correct code and show the code is invalid, may be you is
with the cookie engine OFF, just turn it to ON. If you are using proxy,
or any type of automatic request it also can show invalid security code.3. Why admin finder very slow to send pvt?A.
Well, that is a problem with the mig33 server, they turned it very slow
(i dont know why they turned it slow) but you can contplain about this
problem sending a mail to Mig33 show *admin id* is not online when i try call the admin in pvt but Admin Finder say it is online!A.
This question is very simple. When the Admin Finder is seaching the
admins online if it find any is sent to your pvt. But sometimes when
Admin Finder searching the admin id is online, but him logged out so
when you try call him show is not online copy right